Self-taught artist Richard Lamain was born and raised in Stadskanaal, where he’s still living with his wife and two children.
Richard Lamain was trained as a restaurant chef, but after several years in the hospitality industry and all sorts of wanderings, he finally landed at the Willem Lodewijk gymnasium in Groningen, where he has been working for about fifteen years now.
His work is minimalist, made of clean lines and surfaces, with at most a few colors that match each other perfectly.
Much of Richard Lamain’s inspiration comes from geometry, architecture and what is known as “urbex”, an abbreviation for urban exploration. He visits, observes, and takes photographs of old factories, houses and other abandoned buildings in which life has sometimes come to a standstill and where weathering, concrete, steel and clean lines are abundantly present. Most of the time, they have already been largely invaded by nature, leading to a poetic and essential experience of space.
34, rue Colbert à Reims, 51100 REIMS
La galerie est provisoirement transféré au 34, rue Colbert à Reims