Animal sculptor, David Potisek was born in 1968 in Reims. Self-taught artist, and dentist by profession, he masters the art of technique through enamel or clay. His workshop is located in Champagne.

His main inspirations are based on the notion of purity. First influenced by Rodin and Claudel, Jean Harp, Brancusi, David Potisek also shaped his art with his curiosity towards more contemporary artists, such as the designer Ora-ïto.

Each work is made of clay, then taken to the Paumelle foundry and turned into a bronze. His bronzes display a stylized look that claims an artistic work “all in roundness, in nuance, without the slightest roughness… The sculpture brings me an elegance of curves”. His animals celebrate grace and elegance.

His personal exhibitions follow one another, as recently at the Autumn Salon on the Champs Elysées… He was crowned by numerous prizes: Salon des Artistes Français at the Grand Palais, giant prize for Fine Arts, grand prize for art at the international sculpture fair in Rambouillet…

34, rue Colbert à Reims, 51100 REIMS

La galerie est provisoirement transféré au 34, rue Colbert à Reims


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